King Raid Should I Bought Gear From Raid Shop? UPDATED

King Raid Should I Bought Gear From Raid Shop?

This is my third entry in the "Mini-Guide For Beginners" saga, and information technology appeared in my concluding guide that "Ruby Capitalism" was the most popular one to be done next. Subsequently some deliberating, I decided to change the title to "King's Raid Economy" since I figured I would be roofing more things than just Rubies. So without ado, let'south- oh wait. The obligatory-


This guide is meant to answer the questions of:

"What should I spend my Rubies on?"

"Should I buy [X]?"

"What to buy in [X] shop?"

As always, if you have something to add, experience gratis to annotate!

Tabular array of Contents

  1. Types of Currency

  2. What Should I Spend My [X Currency] On? What Do I Buy in [X] Store?

  3. Events

  4. Discounts & NPC's

  5. Mini Q&A

i. Types of Currency

Typically, currency refers to a unit of measurement of coin for general utilize. And then allow's proper noun them:

Gold - The main unit of currency in the game; used in most in-game systems.

Rubies - The second primary unit of currency in the game; is the game's "premium currency", meaning it tin exist obtained through boosted transactions.

Amity - Currency used to purchase NPC Gift Materials and befriend Heroes in the Hero's Inn.

Mileage - Currency used to purchase either a UW Select or UT Select Ticket in the Special Shop in the [Special Goods] tab.

Dragon Coins - Currency used to buy items in the Forge Store.

Crystallized Ability - Currency used to purchase items in Loman's Shop located in the Orvel Castle.

Guild Coin - Currency used to purchase items in Veronica'due south Store, located in the [Club Domain] area, which can be accessed through Orvel or the [Portal].

Victory Medal - Currency used to purchase UW'south (Unique Weapons) in Gladi'south League of Victory shop, located in the Arena.

Medal of Honor - Currency used to buy various items in Gladi's League of Honor shop'southward [Medal of Honor Shop] tab.

Insignia of Honor - Currency used to purchase various items in Gladi's League of Laurels shops' [Insignia of Honor Store] tab.

Lua's Token - Currency used to purchase various "premium" items.

Effect Currency - Exclusive currency obtained during Events used to purchase limited items in the Result Shop located in Central Orvel.

"How practice I get more than of insert currency hither?"

Allow'southward go over them in order:

Gold is primarily obtained through defeating enemies in the [Ancient Royal Vault] three times a day. When one is trying to gain more Gold profit, information technology is recommended to activate Gilt Boosters. Pressing the [Mission] button and clicking on the [Effect Mission] tab will display two "Hot Times": EXP & Gold. Press [Claim] on the Golden Hot Time and printing [Yep] if you are sure you desire to actuate it immediately. The same Gilded Hot Time tin be activated three times a day, and if y'all feel like information technology, tin can actuate it all at one time and have a iii hour Aureate boost. Gold can also be gained through opening Gilt Boxes dropped upon successfully completing a Dragon Raid, along with various other boxes. Annotation, Gold Boosters will not impact Gold gained from Boodle Boxes.

Rubies are primarily obtained through completing specific activities inside the game, often "hard" achievements, like successfully earning a 3 Star rating on all stages for a specific Chapter in a specific difficulty mode or advancing Loonshit Leagues (east.1000. Gold to Platinum) for the starting time fourth dimension. Rubies can also be purchased with real currency in the Special Shop. Tip: Do not fall for the messages in the World Chat that probably look similar:

"FREE 10,000 RUBIES AT CLICK Now". They are bots and do not trust them. Be rewarded with Rubies the fair way. I hateful, you should probably know that they are fake without even analyzing.

Amity is mostly obtained through exchanging points with Friends. Y'all tin also obtain Amity through spinning the Roulette Bicycle in the Inn.

Mileage is obtained when you spend Rubies on items in the Special Shop, and yous obtain 10% Mileage for the item you lot purchase. For example, if you spend 2,500 Rubies on a Special Summon x10+1, you'll obtain 250 Mileage.

Dragon Coins are obtained through completing Dragon Raids, the amount you obtain per run increases with the Phase/Tier of Dragon.

Crystallized Power is obtained through ranking in World Bosses; obviously, the college your ranking range the college corporeality of Crystallized Power you'll obtain.

Society Coins are primarily obtained through killing Gild Raid bosses, but tin can too be obtained simply by participating in Guild Raids and Guild Conquests, or at the end of a Guild Conquest season, where a large corporeality is given. Y'all can too obtain upwards to 1,000 Lodge Coins a day, in a 1:ane ratio of Activity Points -> Guild Coins.

Victory Medals are obtained through ranking in the League of Victory; the college League and Department you are in, the more Medals you earn (Masters V earns ane,000 daily for case).

Medals of Honour are obtained through participating in the League of Honor, only unlike Victory Medals, are earned per battle you fight in, whether or not you lot win or lose. If yous win, you earn more and the longer you go on your winning streak the more than Medals of Honor you'll obtain. You tin too obtain 1,000 weekly by simply doing 3 battles.

Insignias of Honour are obtained by participating in the League of Honour during an "Open Flavour". You earn some every calendar week so long as the Open Season is still active, and at the terminate of the Open Season, y'all'll earn a much larger amount, like at least 1,000.

Lua's Tokens are but obtained through spending real life coin.

Result Currency are but obtained while a specific issue is active. You will not be able to view or admission your Event Currency after the Event it is assigned to has ended.

2. What Should I Spend My Rubies On? What Do I Purchase in [Ten] Shop?

"I have [X] Rubies, so I'thousand wondering what I should spend them on. I think I wanna purchase insert non-NPC hero here, or maybe some costumes."

If you're planning on being F2P, mind up:







In that location.








Information technology?

I don't intendance that the game gives you Rubies like candy and I don't care if you desire that swimsuit to brand your husbando/waifu fifty-fifty sexier. I'm sorry for being callous, just be mindful of your resources, every bit you merely take so much to make do with. I'll elaborate later in the next section, but heed to me. Practice non spend your Rubies willy-nilly; hold off from spending your Rubies as much as possible. If you don't feel similar you can hold off from spending on your favorite hero and feel you desperately need them, yous can buy them from the Special Shop, but notation this:

It's highly likely that you lot have no gear, UW, UT('due south), Antiquity, Skill Books, Transcendence Materials, & Runes to fully deck out this hero. And so you'll essentially exist leaving yourself with a weaker hero until you get enough resources, in which you might as well have not bought them until you could've gotten them later on through the Inn because past that point you lot'd probabl have the resources to deck out that hero.

"Simply what if I can't pass this surface area at all without this specific hero? Tin I buy them then?"

If yous feel information technology'south absolutely necessary for progression, yep, y'all can. Or you tin can wait through the Inn if they aren't a New Hero. Only note this: necessary. Not "I want this hero", "I need this hero". If you still have spare Hero Select Tickets and that hero is there, choose them. But if you're out of hero tickets and yous need this hero in social club to progress, otherwise it's gonna exist a painful waiting game, yeah, you can buy that hero.

To clarify: this is not gospel. If y'all recall spending Rubies volition aid you progress, do so.

Ahem, at present we shall motility onto what you should buy in the diverse shops that exist within the game. The dominion of pollex is: buy what you need. Simply at that place are some things you should buy, for case:

  • League of Honor Store - Buy the weekly UT Fragments; y'all get 200 a week, then five weeks will fabricated one UT selector.

  • Guild Shop - Depending on the Club Shop's level, the UT Fragments, Reforge Tickets, & Manticore Gear.

  • Forge Shop - The NPC Souvenir Boxes & two-Pick T8 Gear Select Ticket.

  • May's General Store - UT/UW/Artifact Fragments, Reforge Tickets, Magic Powder, & Special Particular Summons.

  • Loman's Store - Abyssal Crown & Blessing of Earth

"For May'south Store, should I purchase the XP Bottles?"

If you demand to level upwardly someone or prepare to level up someone, yes. Otherwise, no. You can also buy the smallest XP flasks and sell them for coin (t sounds weird I know, merely if you want some gratis Gold, go ahead.)

"Should I purchase the Runes or the Rune Crafting Scrolls?"

I'd only really buy the Random Aboriginal Runes if y'all need them, merely most of the fourth dimension yous can merely rely on getting Runes dropped from Boodle Boxes or Story Mode.

"Can I buy the Mysterious Fragments in May's Store?"

They're a skillful, solid buy also.

"Should I buy the gear and/or Scrolls in May's Shop?"

If you lot need fodder gear or take chances on getting a good gear slice, certain, but I'd recommend relying on Dragon Raids for gear (and Scrolls). I've gotten a 3x CRIT DMG (later reforged to 4x CRIT DMG) ID Secondary Gear for Lavril from May's Shop before, but I've also gotten really bad gear... 99% of the time. But you tin purchase gear that's otherwise rare to obtain and you don't wanna grind to star up gear, like Lava or Night Legion.

"Why buy Magic Powder?"

As you beginning to upgrade your gear, it'southward gonna run out really fast... especially when Pick Enhancing.

"Then should I buy the Magic Pulverization boxes in the Lodge Shop/LoH Shop?"

If you're in dire need of Pulverisation and accept the spare currency, aye.

"What almost the other Artifacts in Loman'south shop?"

About of them suck, and very few are good but situational: the Trident, Globe Core, and Earth Protection.

"Why purchase Manticore gear when y'all said not to buy gear in May's Shop?"

"Should I buy the Fragments in the Guild Shop?"

Manticore gear is significantly harder to Awaken by virtue of it non being farmable through grinding, and beingness locked by being bought or dropped by Boodle Boxes. It's meliorate to stack up now than subsequently, and information technology increases your chances of getting good gear lines on your Manticore early. Of course, if you take to choose between Fragments or Manticore while you're still Awakening/Transcending your heroes, the Fragments should be more of import. And the Fragments are a safety purchase.

"I have a crap ton of Amity. What should I purchase in Juno's shop?"

Spend it on the highest course cloth for making NPC gifts for the specific NPC y'all're going for (the gold materials). If you care nigh it, buy one of every material of them to register them in the Index.

"I'm starting to purchase Manticore Gear, only I'm running out of Society Coins, and the amount of UT Fragments seems so small compared to the price! Do I really take to purchase them?"

If y'all're running out of Guild Coins, don't buy the UT Fragments. I too wouldn't recommend buying the Manticore Boxes since they're random; just buy the articulate-cut singular pieces.

"Should I buy the Scales?"

Similar I said, the rule of thumb is to buy what you need at the moment. If you wanna commencement Tier Upgrading, purchase the T8 Scales since I'm assuming you have T7 gear.

three. Events

Events are limited occurrences where you are able to obtain rewards for doing activities within the game, however, some Events echo. See the current God King Cain's Event that is going on at this time every bit an case- if you wanna get specific, an "Upshot Result", meaning at that place'south more substance to it than but tapping buttons to get rewards (and it probably won't repeat). Just allow's stick to discussing the currency-based Events, which are:

  • Ruby Spending Issue.

  • Ruby Stack Recharge Event

  • Purification Discount

  • Rune Preserving Disbelieve

  • Option Enhancement Discount

  • Gear Awakening Disbelieve

  • Gear Reforge Discount

  • Dragon Coin Heave

  • Central Orvel Rumor: Gold

  • Double Vault Keys

Ruby Spending Event - This was the Consequence I was talking about earlier. This is an event in which you are rewarded for spending Rubies, which is why I highly advised you to not spend your Rubies the moment yous get them. During this Event, more expensive items are purchased, such as Inventory Space, Costumes, Heroes, and NPC Gift Boxes 10x+one (which are essentially the ones in the Forge Shop but aren't gated by time). You get rewards based on how much you spend, capping at l,000 Rubies.

r/Kings_Raid - King's Raid Economy (Capitalism?) | A Mini-Guide For Beginners Volume 3

QX Games, "King'south Raid - Ruddy Spending Event + Where to Spend the Rubies?" -

"Does the Antiquity Ticket contain Event Artifacts like the Pumpkins?"

No; it also does not incorporate Velkazar Artifacts or the Artifacts in Loman's Shop.

"What makes 'Lua'south Unique Weapon Ticket' dissimilar from a regular UW Ticket?"

You tin can select NPC Unique Weapons, which is a huge aid since gaining NPC UW'southward is significantly harder than getting normal heroes' weapons.

Cherry-red Stack Recharge Event - An Upshot in which y'all gain rewards based on how many purchased Rubies you obtain. This means you accept to spend real life money in order to participate in this Result; information technology is unremarkably announced alongside the Ruddy Spending Event.

r/Kings_Raid - King's Raid Economy (Capitalism?) | A Mini-Guide For Beginners Volume 3

PLUG | Rex'south Raid EN PLUG Customs - "[Event] Martial Arts Preparation with Fluss and.. Ruby Recharge Event besides?!" -

Purification Discount Effect - Decreases the amount of Golden necessary to fully purify a Hero's Darkness or Low-cal.

r/Kings_Raid - King's Raid Economy (Capitalism?) | A Mini-Guide For Beginners Volume 3

PLUG | King's Raid EN PLUG Community - " [Event] June's Events (Part two)" -

Rune Preserving Disbelieve Event - Decreases the corporeality of Rubies needed to preserve a Rune beingness removed from gear.

r/Kings_Raid - King's Raid Economy (Capitalism?) | A Mini-Guide For Beginners Volume 3

PLUG | Male monarch'south Raid EN PLUG Customs - " [Result] June'southward Events (Office 2)" -

Option Enhancement Disbelieve Event - Decreases the amount of Gold and Magic Pulverisation required to Pick Heighten gear.

r/Kings_Raid - King's Raid Economy (Capitalism?) | A Mini-Guide For Beginners Volume 3

PLUG | King's Raid EN PLUG Community - "[Consequence] Events in June: Victory is Mine" -

Gear Awakening Discount Event - Decreases the amount of Gold required to awaken gear.

r/Kings_Raid - King's Raid Economy (Capitalism?) | A Mini-Guide For Beginners Volume 3

PLUG | Rex'due south Raid EN PLUG Community - "[Issue] 'Take care of Dragons' and other five Events (Revised)" -

Gear Reforge Discount Result - Decreases the amount of Rubies required to Reforge gear options.

r/Kings_Raid - King's Raid Economy (Capitalism?) | A Mini-Guide For Beginners Volume 3

PLUG | Male monarch's Raid EN PLUG Community - "[Event] June Events (Part 1)" -

Dragon Coin Boost - Increases the amount of Dragon Coins obtained from Dragon Raids.

r/Kings_Raid - King's Raid Economy (Capitalism?) | A Mini-Guide For Beginners Volume 3

PLUG | Rex'due south Raid EN PLUG Customs - "[Consequence] Outcome Data for May (Part one) (Revised)" -

Central Orvel Rumors: Gold Event - An Outcome Dungeon in which can be farmed for Gold Chests.

r/Kings_Raid - King's Raid Economy (Capitalism?) | A Mini-Guide For Beginners Volume 3

King'due south Raid's Official FaceBook Page -

Double Vault Keys Upshot - Doubles the corporeality of keys obtained everyday to challenge the Orvel Castle's Vault.

r/Kings_Raid - King's Raid Economy (Capitalism?) | A Mini-Guide For Beginners Volume 3

PLUG | Male monarch'due south Raid EN PLUG Community - "[Issue] April's Events (Part 2)" -

"When'southward the next Red Spending Event?"

Ask Vespa. But they ordinarily happen every few months, apt time to save upwards to 50K Rubies.

"Should I wait for the gear-related events to upgrade my gear?"

No, since that leaves y'all with weaker heroes. But if yous're severely running low, I'd hold off since the gear-related events, especially the Option Enhancement Disbelieve Event, saves you lot a lot on resources.

4. Discounts & NPC's

Some things in Rex'south Raid can become pretty expensive, especially if you're running low on Currency. Have no fear, NPC'due south are hither!

NPC heroes differ from regular heroes, as the proper name suggests. NPC'south are typically stronger than the average hero, having qualities that make them stand out from the rest... or at least, that's how information technology should exist (buff Nicky please). To be honest, the only "potent/OP" NPC'southward are Juno (massive healing, various utility, and almost sub-DPS levels of DPS) and Loman (tons of amp, only Knight to possess cleanse + CC Immunity for entire team). Gladi used to be the superlative DPS, beating Yanne at her own niche, until he got nerfed. May and Veronica are slowly losing footing in some teams due to newer heroes, Dosarta's only expert for PVP, and Nicky... we don't talk about what happened to her.

Moving on from that tangent, this is a guide about currency! And then, all NPC'south also have a bonus associated with them: discounts, excluding Nicky and Dosarta since they don't possess shops (but they notwithstanding accept bonuses). They are:

Gladi - 10% discount for all items in the League of Victory shop.

May - 25% discount for all items in her store.

Veronica - 10% discount for all items in the Guild & Gild Raid Shop.

Loman - ten% discount for all items in his shop.

Juno - forty% discount for all items in her shop.

Dosarta - 2 more Antiquity Fragments per ToC run.

Nicky - Actress Stockage entry Central per day.

If you're looking to see who yous should go start for a disbelieve, just lookout this video: It was released earlier Nicky and Dosarta's releases as NPC heroes, but permit's face up it, their NPC bonuses aren't that good. In that location's besides :D Router's video if you lot wanna watch two sources and make a decision yourself on what to cull:

five. Mini Q&A

  • "Will you cover what packages in the Special Shop to buy?"

I'm a F2P player, so I don't really know what's worth your buck. Sorry.

  • "What do I exactly buy during a Cherry-red Spending Consequence?"

Anything you want that costs Rubies really. I unremarkably go along a shopping list of the things I really desire and just splurge on other things if it wasn't enough to accomplish 50K Rubies spent. I'd recommend expanding your Inventory to at least 400 during your first Spending Event though, since information technology greatly helps with farming. Or you can read this list past u/firzein:

  • "Is there any way of obtaining Lua's Tokens without spending money?"

If you hack the game, maybe, simply you'll probably go banned, so... Actually, when Lua'southward Tokens were first introduced, all players were given 11 for complimentary.

  • "What's your next guide?"

"The Platinum League Black Pigsty 101 | A Mini-Guide For Beginners Volume 4". After that, PVE 101, which volition be Book v and may or may non be the last to this saga depending on what I feel like.

  • "Stop making guides. They're so useless and don't practice anything."


  • "An additional question I have isn't here in this Q&A section."

Go alee and ask! I can hopefully answer your question(due south) or other experienced players tin! Or if you were dislocated about something. The same goes if you wanna critique or add together something to my guide. Cheers~

  • "What about the other Rumors? Like the Magic Powder, Rune, and Fragment Rumors?"

I didn't really consider those every bit money necessarily, but they are definitely of import resources that you should make notation of and spend your Stamina Potions on.

  • "What's the difference between Brilliant and Non-Brilliant Honor Costumes in the LoH shop?"

Brilliant Honor Costumes accept additional cosmetic furnishings, like shrouding the hero in glowing low-cal, and changes the appearance of the hero's skills: Laias uses gilded water and magic circles, Jane blooms a golden flower, Scarlet's slashes are golden, Theo's lightning is aureate, and Artemia's light is resplendent.

Happy raiding everyone~


King Raid Should I Bought Gear From Raid Shop? UPDATED

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